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Month: January 2018
5 Steps To Getting Your New Blog Off To a Great Start

Starting a new blog is a very exciting venture. You have all these wonderful ideas, your motivated and you can’t wait to get the blogging party started. The problem is, after you purchase the domain name and set up hosting you realize having a great idea is not enough. If you want your blog to […]

SEO Best Practices – 3 Tips For New Online Business Owners

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is a term that as been around since the beginning of Google. It is a marketing tool that can be used by all businesses, no matter the size or type, to generate targeted traffic without spending money on things such as Facebook Ads or Google Adwords. While it […]

5 Reasons You Should Consider Starting a Blog For Your Business

According to Adespresso.com, 61 percent of U.S. consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post they read. Add that to the fact that small businesses with blogs receive 126 percent more leads and you see why it’s impossible to deny the value of blogging. It doesn’t matter if you are a small business […]

3 Paid Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Website Fast

In a previous post we discussed 3 free ways you can start driving traffic to your website today. And while free traffic is great, it does require more time and effort to gain traction. If you have a budget and want to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible, paid traffic is the way […]

3 Free Ways To Drive Traffic To a Brand New Website

Congratulations on launching your new website. While you may be thinking the hard work is done, trust me it is just getting started. You see, launching a new website is only half the battle. If you want to make money from that website you must learn how to generate targeted traffic. What is targeted traffic […]

Understanding The 5 Types of Web Hosting

When it comes to setting up a website or blog for your business, choosing the right type of web hosting is one of the most important decisions you will make. Your web hosting plan will store the files for your website and provide you with bandwidth to ensure those files can be accessed by your […]

5 Things You Need To Start a Successful Website Today

If you are considering building your very own website you have come to the right place. While millions of people have the desire to get started online, very few of them actually know how and where to start. With this article we are going to cut through the nonsense and tell you the 5 things […]

How To Turn Your Hobby Into a Profitable Online Business

Do you love to paint, sew or knit?  If so you may be able to turn your past time into a second stream of income. With this article we are going to share the 5 things you need to do to turn your hobby into a profitable online business. Now before we dive in we […]

What Should I Sell Online? – 9 Services You Can Sell on Your Website (Part 3)

This is the third and final article in our “What Should I Sell Online” series. In part one we discussed 10 Physical Products You Can Sell on Your Website. In part two we focused on digital products you can sell online. Now, in this third and final installment we are going to discuss services you […]

What Should I Sell Online? – 5 Digital Products You Can Sell on Your Website (Part 2)

This is the second article in a series of articles we are writing on what type of products you can sell online. If you have not done so already, be sure to check out part one where we discuss 10 physical products you can sell on your website. In part 2 of this series we […]